La Canción


"La Canción" is the story of an orphan with a great passion for urban music, named Rafa. One night, Rafa dreams of a song. When he wakes up, he realizes that he knows the complete lyrics of that song without ever having heard it before. Rafa embarks on a quest to uncover the mystery of the song and obtain the rights to it with the purpose to perform it in a singing contest. In the process, he discovers the true origin of the song, receiving the biggest surprise of his life.

Written by Cándido Tirado
Original Songs by Vico C.


Rafael Beato as Rafa
Zulema Clares as Abuela
Diana Pou as Angie
Juan Luis Espinal as Star
Flaco Navaja as Poco Loco, Bodeguero and MC
Varín Ayala as Rafael
Gabriel Hernández as Muerte and Goya
Indra Palomo as Jenny
María Cotto as Woo Woo, Religious Woman 1 and Merengue Dancer 1
Jenyvette Vega as Cuca, Religious Woman 2 and Merengue Dancer 2
Larissa Santiago as Club Girl

Creative Team:

Director and Music Production Manager: Edward Torres
Choreographer: Carlos Neto
Musical Director and Sound Design: Nelson Jaime “Gazú”
Set Design: Marcela Oteiza
Video Design: Dave Tennent
Lighting Design: Vickie Bain
Costume Design: Ariel Pellman
Stage Manager: Larissa Santiago
Production Manager: Fernando Then
Dancers: Keith Fung and Elodie Dufroux
Subtitles: Edna Lee Figueroa
Assistant Director: Russell Goldman
Script and Additional Lyrics: Cándido Tirado
Assistant Choreographer: Natalie Cruz and María Cherniske
Transcriber: Sol Crespo
Dance Captain: Juan Luis Espinal
Vocal Captain: Zulema Clares


“Also Diana Pou’s Angie, Rafa’s girlfriend, does not hold back in showing how strong Latinas are in wit and compassion. She, too, balances our culture’s lines of unlimitedly supporting our loved ones, but also checking their delusions.”
-Diandra Reviews It All
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Theater Stills

Photos by Michael Palma

Diana Pou as Angie in the Off-Broadway Musical LA CANCIÓN

A musical written by Cándido Tirado with songs by the iconic Vico C
at Repertorio Español in New York City 2016